Qbrick integrations

Build your own solutions with our APIs

Do you need to build your own streaming service? Or maybe a video portal for your school? The sky’s the limit!

Trusted by 100+ companies

All-in-one platform


All the features are there and open for customization. Choose which videos and metadata you want to use in your own build.

A secure backend

If you decide to use our APIs to build your own solution, using our video management system or analytics, we’ll be your secure backend platform.

Open and honest

Anyone can access and use our APIs. Ask your developers to look at our API documentation and start planning!

Use our secure platform to build your own dream projects

Build your own video archive

Use our APIs to create your very own video archive or channel page. Choose to fetch all your videos, or just videos from specific folders or using specific tags.

Integrate with your cms

Use our APIs to create your own video upload- and publication flow from within your cms. All your videos will be stored in our secure platform, but you decide how and where you want to manage it.

Video quality settings

Get started with our APIs